American Legal History Cases And Materials 4Th Edition

American Legal History Cases And Materials 4Th Edition

The Election of 1800 Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Charles C. Pinckney, Alexander Hamilton and more in the Election of 1800. View Give Me Liberty An American H Eric Foner from HIS 1005 at CUNY Baruch. GIVE ME LIBERTY AN AMERICAN HISTORY Brief Fourth Edition GIVE ME LIBERTY AN AMERICAN. A common law system is a legal system that gives great precedential weight to common law, and to the style of reasoning inherited from the English legal system. American Legal History Cases And Materials 4Th Edition' title='American Legal History Cases And Materials 4Th Edition' />American Legal History Cases And Materials 4Th EditionLLM Postgraduate Laws University of London International Programmes. Admiralty law. Module A LWM0. A. Admiralty jurisdiction and procedure. Introduction and nature of jurisdiction enforceable maritime claims. Exercise of jurisdiction, actions in rem and in personam, maritime liens and procedure. Rules and doctrines restricting the jurisdiction of the Admiralty court. Convention jurisdiction basis and multiple proceedings. Module B LWM0. 1B. Acquiring ownership in ships and the ship as property. Ownership, management and potential liabilities. Ship mortgages. Shipbuilding. Ship sale and purchase. Module C LWM0. 1C. Safety regulations in navigation, liabilities and limitation of liability. Collision regulations for conduct of vessels. Criminal liabilities for breach of statutes or breach of duty. Civil liabilities for negligence causing damage apportionment of loss and measure of damages limitation of liability. Module D LWM0. 1D. Assistance at sea and in ports. Black History 9335 1838 DATED ANTISLAVERY TOKEN, obverse with kneeling AfricanAmerican woman in chains, inscribed AM I NOT A WOMAN A SISTER. This site includes a short history of Roberts Rules, how an organization can adopt it, the basics of parliamentary procedure, a question and answer forum, and an. Archives and past articles from the Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia Daily News, and Philly. The concept of salvage under maritime law and the Salvage Conventions. Preconditions and elements of salvage salvage agreements assessment of award and special compensation. Liability of salvors for negligence and limitation. Towage contracts liabilities to third parties arising from negligence during towage. The law regulating the rights and obligations of port authorities and pilots. Sequence Module C before Module D. Textbook Aleka Mandaraka Sheppard, Modern Admiralty Law London Cavendish Publishing, 2. ISBN 1. 85. 94. 15. Applicable laws and procedures in international commercial arbitration Students wishing to study and be examined in this course are advised to successfully complete Regulation and infrastructure of international commercial arbitration in full before attempting Applicable laws and procedures in international commercial arbitration. Module A LWM0. 3A. Applicable law issues in arbitration. Determination of applicable law. Applicable substantive law. Transnational rules, lex mercatoria and trade usages. Arbitration and EU Laws. Module B LWM0. 3B. Procedure and evidence in arbitration. Law governing the arbitration procedure. Commencement of arbitration terms of reference procedural directions. Procedural issues. Taking evidence. Module C LWM0. C. Jurisdictional issues in arbitration. Arbitrability. Determination of jurisdiction. Provisional measures. Multi party and multi contract disputes. Module D LWM0. 3D. Arbitration award form, content, challenge and enforcement. Form and content. Finality and challenges to award. Recognition and enforcement. Sequence Module A first. Textbook Julian D. M. Lew, Loukas A. Mistelis and Stefan Kr. Carriage of goods by sea. Module A LWM0. 5A. Contracts of affreightment and voyage charter parties. Owners implied obligations seaworthiness, reasonable despatch and no deviation consequences for breach under common law conditions, warranties, innominate terms representations descriptions of ship, date of arrival, cancelling. Charterers obligations nomination of safe port, notification of owners of dangerous cargo. Voyage Charter parties Owners obligation as to the ship, readiness to load and cancelling clauses Charterers duty to load a full and complete cargo Loading and discharging Laytime and demurrage Freight, lien and cesser clauses. Module B LWM0. 5B. Time charter parties. Nature description of ship, delivery date and cancelling clause charter period early or late redelivery remedies arising from early or late delivery payment of hire off hire deductions from hire withdrawal of ship for no punctual payment employment and indemnity clause owners liens on freight or sub freight. Module C LWM0. 5C. The bill of lading contract and functions. The bill of lading as a contract incorporation of charter party terms identity of carrier the bill of lading and third parties. The bill of lading as a receipt representations as to quantity, condition and identity leading marks of cargo common law and statutory estoppel. The bill of lading as a document of title and the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1. Legal functions of other types of transport document seaway bills, ships delivery orders and multimodal transport documents. Module D LWM0. 5D. International conventions regulating the rights and obligations of the parties to the bill of lading contract. The Hague and HagueVisby Rules the Hamburg Rules the Rotterdam Rules genesis of the Rules and comparison. When do these rules applyExcluded cases period covered no contracting out the carriers duties the carriers defences responsibilities of cargo owner or shipper. Freight. Time limit for making a claim limitation of liability. Sequence Students are required to attempt the modules in order. Textbooks Wilson, J. F. Carriage of goods by sea. Harlow Longman, 2. ISBN 9. 78. 14. 08. Supplied as an e book. Dockray, M. Cases and materials on the carriage of goods by sea. Abingdon Routledge, 2. ISBN 9. 78. 11. 38. Supplied as an e book. Commercial banking law bank customer relationship. Module A LWM7. 2A. Banks and customers. What is a bank and who is a bank customer The contract obligations of parties, significance of the mandate, termination of the contract, variation, proper law of the contract. Duty of confidentiality owed by a bank to its customers and the circumstances in which the duty can, or must, be breached. Module B LWM7. 2B. Duty of care, fiduciary duty, constructive trust and undue influence. A banks duty of care application and scope of duty. Fiduciary obligations when does bank become a fiduciary and how can it limit or exclude its obligations Constructive trust when does liability as a constructive trustee arise Undue influence types of undue influence, how can a bank protect its transactions from challenge on the grounds of undue influence Constructive trust when does liability as a constructive trustee ariseCustomers duty of care. Module C LWM7. 2C. Accounts, money, payment and fund transfers. What is money, how is its transfer conceptualised legally Chattel and bank money. Download Free The Weathering Magazine Issue 01 Pdf Creator. What is payment and how is it made Credit and debit transfers. Clearing and settlement systems. Legal relationships. Accounts and dispute resolution Accounts types of accounts and their implications Dealing with complaints Banking Codes, Financial Services Ombudsman Service. Module D LWM7. 2D. Cheques and payment cards. Cheques. What is a cheque, the obligations of, and defences available to, paying and collecting banks. Payment cards and recovering mistaken payments Payment cards debit cards, credit cards, charge cards, digital cash cards, etc. Contractual relationships Consumer Credit Act Recovering mistaken payments. Sequence Students are required to attempt the modules in order. Textbooks E. P. Ellinger, Eva Lomnicker and Richard Hooley, Ellingers Modern Banking Law 4th ed Oxford Oxford University Press, 2. ISBN 9. 78. 01. 99. Commercial trusts law. Module A LWM0. 6A. The nature of commercial trusts. Equity, trusts and commercial expectations. The contractarian account of trusts. Unit trusts and other financial uses of trusts. The constitution of express trusts in commercial transactions. Module B LWM0. 6B. Equitable devices used to take security in commercial contracts. Taking security in loan contracts. Equitable charges. Establishing title at common law and in equity. Example collateralisation in financial transactions. Module C LWM0. 6C. The recovery of property in commercial litigation. Breach of trust in commercial and investment transactions. Recovery of property in relation to terminated transactions. Personal liability to account of commercial intermediaries. Case study the local authority swaps cases. Module D LWM0. 6D. Investment of trust funds. The duty to invest under statute. The duty to invest in the case law. Principles of the law of finance. Issues with portfolio investment strategies. Sequence Module A first.

American Legal History Cases And Materials 4Th Edition