CHRYSLER 2. 00. 5 CROSSFIRE SRT6 SERVICE MANUAL Pdf Download. GROUP TAB LOCATOR Introduction Lubrication Maintenance Suspension Differential Driveline Brakes Clutch Cooling AudioVideo ChimeBuzzer Electronic Control Modules Engine Systems Heated Systems Horn Ignition Control Instrument Cluster Lamps Message Systems Power Systems Restraints Speed Control Vehicle Theft Security WipersWashers Wiring Engine Exhaust System. POSITION INTERPRETATION CODE DESCRIPTION Country of Origin 1 Manufactured By Daimler. Chrysler Corporation Make C Chrysler Vehicle Type 3 Passenger Car Other A Restraint System Active Front And Side Air Bags Car Line N Crossfire LHDINTRODUCTION VEHICLE SAFETY CERTIFICATION LABEL DESCRIPTION A vehicle safety certification label is attached to every Daimler. Chrysler Corporation vehicle. The label certi fies that the vehicle conforms to all applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. The label is located on the driver door shut face. Bosch Battery Tester Bat 121 Manual Transmission' title='Bosch Battery Tester Bat 121 Manual Transmission' />All communications or inquiries regarding the vehicle should include the Date of Manufacture, and the Vehi cle Identification Number. INTRODUCTION INTERNATIONAL SYMBOLS DESCRIPTION The graphic symbols illustrated in the following International Control and Display Symbols Chart are used to identify various instrument controls. The symbols correspond to the controls and displays that are located on the instrument panel. FASTENER IDENTIFICATION DESCRIPTION The SAE bolt strength grades range from grade 2 to grade 8. INTRODUCTION. INTRODUCTION. Bosch Battery Tester Bat 121 Manual Transmission' title='Bosch Battery Tester Bat 121 Manual Transmission' />INTRODUCTION FASTENER USAGE DESCRIPTION FASTENER USAGE WARNING USE OF AN INCORRECT FASTENER MAY RESULT IN COMPONENT DAMAGE OR PERSONAL INJURY. Fasteners and torque specifications references in this Service Manual are identified in metric and SAE format. During any maintenance or repair procedures, it is important to salvage all fasteners nuts, bolts, etc. INTRODUCTION. INTRODUCTION TORQUE REFERENCES DESCRIPTION Individual torque charts appear within many of the groups. Refer to the Standard Torque Specifications Chart for torque references not listed in the individual torque charts. LUBRICATION MAINTENANCE 0 1 LUBRICATION MAINTENANCE TABLE OF CONTENTS page page INTERNATIONAL SYMBOLS LUBRICATION POINTS DESCRIPTION. Main Ship Equipments Equipment Types Main Marine Manufacturers An EnglishChineseJapanese Dictionary of Technology ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW. Your OneStop Shop For All Your Industrial Supply Needs Please Contact Us For a Formal Quote pesalespeenergy. Boatinfo requires FlashPlayer 9 or newer to display this document Workshop Manual Engine A 20 MD2010, MD2020, MD2030, MD2040 Workshop Manual Marine engines. DESCRIPTION. 0 2 LUBRICATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LUBRICANT RECOMMENDATION STANDARD PROCEDURE PARTS AND LUBRICANT RECOMMENDATIONS Lubricating grease is rated for quality and usage by the NLGI. All approved products have the NLGI sym bol on the label. At the bottom NLGI symbol is the usage and quality identification letters. LUBRICATION MAINTENANCE 0 3 Use synthetic engine oils, approved to MB 2. MB 2. 29. 5, such as Mopar part number 0. AA. Synthetic SAE 0. W 4. 0 or SAE 5. W 4. API SL andor GF 3 may be substituted. The FSS mat not alert for an oil change at the proper interval if an unapproved product is used. LUBRICATION MAINTENANCE CAUTION Mopar AntifreezeCoolant, 5 Year1. Mile Formula MB 3. Mixing of coolants other than specified non HOAT or other HOAT, may result in engine damage that may not be covered under the new vehicle warranty, and decreased corrosion protec tion. LUBRICATION MAINTENANCE 0 5 Manual Transmission Fluid No service is required or recommended for the manual transmission. If required, use fluid approved to MB 2. SAE 5. W 2. 0 meeting API SL or GF 3 Engine Oil, such as Mopar part number 0. AB, may be subsituted. DESCRIPTION DIFFERENTIAL LUBRICANT Note Refer to the Owners Manual for the recommended differential lubricant change intervals for this axle. LUBRICATION MAINTENANCE LUBRICATION POINTS DESCRIPTION Lubrication points are noted, and located in each of the applicable Service Information sections. MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION FLEXIBLE SERVICE SYSTEM FSS The Flexible Service System FSS is a demand acti vated engine oil service system. LUBRICATION MAINTENANCE 0 7 This symbol represents Service A. The second symbol represents Service B. Depending on operating conditions throughout the year, the next service is calculated and displayed next to the this symbol in days remaining before the next service is required. LUBRICATION MAINTENANCE The next service may be calculated and displayed next to this symbol as distance remaining before the next service is required. The counter can also be reset by any individual after the indicated service has been performed. Perform the following to reset the counter 1. LUBRICATION MAINTENANCE 0 9 Function Check Horn, hazard warning flashers, turn signals, and indicator lamps Headlamps and exterior lighting Windshield wipers and washer system Inspection Check front and rear brake pads for lining thickness. LUBRICATION MAINTENANCE HOISTING STANDARD PROCEDURE HOISTING WARNING THE HOISTING AND JACK LIFTING POINTS PROVIDED ARE FOR A COMPLETE VEHICLE. WHEN THE ENGINE, TRANSMISSION OR REAR SUSPENSION IS REMOVED FROM A VEHICLE, THE CENTER OF GRAVITY IS ALTERED MAKING SOME HOISTING CONDITIONS UNSTABLE. PROPERLY SUPPORT OR SECURE VEHICLE TO HOISTING DEVICE WHEN THESE CONDITIONS EXIST. LUBRICATION MAINTENANCE 0 1. JUMP STARTING STANDARD PROCEDURE JUMP STARTING WARNING DO NOT JUMP START A FROZEN BATTERY, PERSONAL INJURY CAN RESULT. WARNING WHEN USING A HIGH OUTPUT BOOSTING DEVICE, DO NOT ALLOW BATTERY VOLTAGE TO EXCEED 1. VOLTS. REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED WITH DEVICE BEING USED. WARNING DO NOT JUMP START WHEN MAINTENANCE FREE BATTERY INDICATOR DOT IS YELLOW OR BRIGHT COLOR. LUBRICATION MAINTENANCE 7. Make final connection of the negative jumper cable 2 to the ENGINE GROUND 1 of disabled vehicle, away from battery. CAUTION Do not crank the starter motor on the disabled vehicle for more than 1. TOWING RECOMMENDATIONS Flat bed towing should be the only method used for the Chrysler Crossfire. The flat bed must have an approach angle less then 1. SUSPENSION 2 1 SUSPENSION TABLE OF CONTENTS page page SUSPENSION WHEEL ALIGNMENT. DIAGNOSIS AND TESTING SUSPENSION FRONT SUSPENSION. SUSPENSION CONDITION POSSIBLE CAUSES CORRECTION VEHICLE LEADS OR 1. Radial tire lead. Cross front tires. DRIFTS FROM STRAIGHT 2. How To Install Disc Brake Anti Rattle Clips. Brakes dragging. 2. Repair brake as necessary. AHEAD DIRECTION ON UNCROWNED ROAD 3. Weak or broken spring. WHEEL ALIGNMENT 2 3 WHEEL ALIGNMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS page page WHEEL ALIGNMENT CHECKING AND ADJUSTING FRONT AXLE DESCRIPTION. CAMBER AND CASTER. WHEEL ALIGNMENT OPERATION CASTER Caster is the forward or rearward tilt of the steering knuckle from vertical. Tilting the top of the knuckle rearward provides positive caster. Tilting the top of the knuckle forward provides negative caster. Caster is a directional stability angle. WHEEL ALIGNMENT 2 5 WHEEL TOE POSITION Toe is the difference between the leading inside edges 1 and the trailing inside edges 2 of the front tires. Incorrect wheel toe position is the most common cause of unstable steering and uneven tire wear. The wheel toe position is the final front wheel alignment adjustment. WHEEL ALIGNMENT Perform a visual inspection for wear pattern, tread depth and any damage to the tires. Inspect the wheel condition Perform a visual inspection for any damage to the wheels. Inspect the tire pressure. WHEEL ALIGNMENT 2 7 INSPECTING AND ADJUSTING VEHICLE LEVEL AT FRONT AND REAR AXLES 1. Observe the general information on chassis alignment inspection. Refer to 2 SUSPENSIONWHEEL ALIGN MENT STANDARD PROCEDURE. Inspect the vehicle level at the front axle by performing the following. WHEEL ALIGNMENT 5. Check the caster and assign to tabular value. Refer to 2 SUSPENSIONWHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIFICA TIONS. ADJUSTING Note Vehicles are delivered from the factory with pre set caster, camber, and toe settings. When aligning a vehicle with factory settings, Eccentric Repair Bolts must be installed in order to adjust caster or camber. The Car Hackers Handbook. A Guide for the Penetration Tester. Craig Smith. San Francisco. THE CAR HACKERS HANDBOOK. Copyright 2. 01. Craig Smith. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher. ISBN 1. 0 1 5. ISBN 1. Publisher William Pollock. Production Editor Laurel Chun. Cover Illustration Garry Booth. Interior Design Octopod Studios. Developmental Editors Liz Chadwick and William Pollock. Technical Reviewer Eric Evenchick. Copyeditor Julianne Jigour. Compositor Laurel Chun. Proofreader James Fraleigh. Indexer BIM Indexing Proofreading Services. The following code and images are reproduced with permission Figures 5 3 and 5 7 Jan Niklas Meier Figures 6 1. Matt Wallace Figures 8 6, 8 7, 8 8, and 8 2. New. AE Technology Inc. Brute forcing keypad entry code on pages 2. Peter Boothe Figures 1. A 6 Jared Gould and Paul Brunckhorst Figures A 1 and A 2 SECONS Ltd., http www. Figure A 4 Collin Kidder and EVTV Motor Werks. For information on distribution, translations, or bulk sales, please contact No Starch Press, Inc. No Starch Press, Inc. Street, San Francisco, CA 9. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data. Names Smith, Craig Reverse engineer, author. Title The car hackers handbook a guide for the penetration tester by Craig Smith. Description San Francisco No Starch Press, 2. Includes index. Identifiers LCCN 2. ISBN 9. 78. 15. 93. ISBN 1. 59. 32. 77. Subjects LCSH Automotive computers Security measures Handbooks, manuals, etc. Automobiles Performance Handbooks, manuals, etc. Automobiles Customizing Handbooks, manuals, etc. Penetration testing Computer security Handbooks, manuals, etc. Automobiles Vandalism Prevention Handbooks, manuals, etc. Classification LCC TL2. S6. 5 2. 01. 6 DDC 6. LC record available at http lccn. No Starch Press and the No Starch Press logo are registered trademarks of No Starch Press, Inc. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than use a trademark symbol with every occurrence of a trademarked name, we are using the names only in an editorial fashion and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. The information in this book is distributed on an As Is basis, without warranty. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this work, neither the author nor No Starch Press, Inc. About the Author. Craig Smith craigtheialabs. Theia Labs, a security research firm that focuses on security auditing and building hardware and software prototypes. He is also one of the founders of the Hive. Hackerspace and Open Garages Open. Garages. He has worked for several auto manufacturers, where he provided public research on vehicle security and tools. His specialties are reverse engineering and penetration testing. This book is largely a product of Open Garages and Craigs desire to get people up to speed on auditing their vehicles. About the Contributing Author. Dave Blundell accelbydavegmail. Moates. net, a small company specializing in pre OBD ECU modification tools. He has worked in the aftermarket engine management sphere for the past few years, doing everything from reverse engineering to dyno tuning cars. He also does aftermarket vehicle calibration on a freelance basis. About the Technical Reviewer. Eric Evenchick is an embedded systems developer with a focus on security and automotive systems. While studying electrical engineering at the University of Waterloo, he worked with the University of Waterloo Alternative Fuels Team to design and build a hydrogen electric vehicle for the Eco. CAR Advanced Vehicle Technology Competition. Currently, he is a vehicle security architect for Faraday Future and a contributor to Hackaday. He does not own a car. FOREWORDThe world needs more hackers, and the world definitely needs more car hackers. Vehicle technology is trending toward more complexity and more connectivity. Combined, these trends will require a greater focus on automotive security and more talented individuals to provide this focus. But what is a hacker The term is widely corrupted by the mainstream media, but correct use of the term hacker refers to someone who creates, who explores, who tinkerssomeone who discovers by the art of experimentation and by disassembling systems to understand how they work. In my experience, the best security professionals and hobbyists are those who are naturally curious about how things work. These people explore, tinker, experiment, and disassemble, sometimes just for the joy of discovery. These people hack. A car can be a daunting hacking target. Most cars dont come with a keyboard and login prompt, but they do come with a possibly unfamiliar array of protocols, CPUs, connectors, and operating systems. This book will demystify the common components in cars and introduce you to readily available tools and information to help get you started. By the time youve finished reading the book, youll understand that a car is a collection of connected computersthere just happen to be wheels attached. Armed with appropriate tooling and information, youll have the confidence to get hacking. This book also contains many themes about openness. Were all safer when the systems we depend upon are inspectable, auditable, and documentedand this definitely includes cars. So Id encourage you to use the knowledge gained from this book to inspect, audit, and document. I look forward to reading about some of your discoveriesChris Evans scarybeastsJanuary 2. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThanks to the Open Garages community for contributing time, examples, and information that helped make this book possible. Thanks to the Electronic Frontier Foundation EFF for supporting the Right to Tinker and just generally being awesome. Thanks to Dave Blundell for contributing several chapters of this book, and to Colin OFlynn for making the Chip. Whisperer and letting me use his examples and illustrations. Finally, thanks to Eric Evenchick for single handedly reviewing all of the chapters of this book, and special thanks to No Starch Press for greatly improving the quality of my original ramblings. INTRODUCTIONIn 2. Open Garagesa group of people interested in sharing and collaborating on vehicle securityreleased the first Car Hackers Manual as course material for car hacking classes. The original book was designed to fit in a vehicles glove box and to cover the basics of car hacking in a one or two day class on auto security. Little did we know how much interest there would be in that that first book we had over 3. In fact, the books popularity shut down our Internet service provider twice and made them a bit unhappy with us. Its okay, they forgave us, which is good because I love my small ISP. Hi Speed. Span. netThe feedback from readers was mostly fantastic most of the criticism had to do with the fact that the manual was too short and didnt go into enough detail. This book aims to address those complaints. The Car Hackers Handbook goes into a lot more detail about car hacking and even covers some things that arent directly related to security, like performance tuning and useful tools for understanding and working with vehicles. Why Car Hacking Is Good for All of Us. If youre holding this book, you may already know why youd want to hack cars. But just in case, heres a handy list detailing the benefits of car hacking Understanding How Your Vehicle Works. The automotive industry has churned out some amazing vehicles, with complicated electronics and computer systems, but it has released little information about what makes those systems work.
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