Conflict Resolution, Bullying, Violence Prevention, Emotional Intelligence, and More WISE Working to Improve Schools and Education. Websites. John Hunter Teaching with the World Peace Game a TED Talk by a 4th grade teacher, John Hunter, about an incredible role play project he uses with his students to develop skills of critical analysis, reasoning, emotional intelligence, and much more. A very inspiring video and an amazing teacher and manEducation Week Coverage of School Violence and Safety Issues go to the home page and search using school violence and other related terms. Dear Colleague Letter Sent by U. S. Dept. of Education and Office of Civil Rights In October of 2. Alternate Dispute Resolution Handbook Contents History. Conflict resolution methods are effective at managing conflict at work and improving your workplace environment. Ignoring employee conflict does not make it go away. Traditionally, conflict has been viewed as a destructive force to be ignored or silenced today, many are redefining conflict as an opportunity. Once conflict is. Process of Conflict Resolution for Clubs The board shall have the power to discipline, suspend or terminate membership in the club in accordance with the policies and. The Corporate Records Handbook provides all the forms and instructions you need to keep records, prepare meeting minutes, and maintain your IRS status, including. U. S. Department of Education and Office of Civil Rights sent a letter to all public schools in the country clearly stating that educators may be held liable, under U. S. civil rights law, if they fail to address bullyingharassment based on race, color, national origin, sex, or disability. The letter said, The statutes that OCR enforces include Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1. Title VI, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1. Title IX, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex Section 5. Rehabilitation Act of 1. Section 5. 04 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1. Title II. Section 5. Title II prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability. School districts may violate these civil rights statutes and the Departments implementing regulations when peer harassment based on race, color, national origin, sex, or disability is sufficiently serious that it creates a hostile environment and such harassment is encouraged, tolerated, not adequately addressed, or ignored by school employees. Children, Youth, and Gun Violence a 2. The Final Report and Findings of the Safe School Initiative Implications for the Prevention of School Attacks in the United States a 2. U. S. Dept. of Education and the U. I/51ui4QgpjQL._SR600%2C315_PIWhiteStrip%2CBottomLeft%2C0%2C35_PIAmznPrime%2CBottomLeft%2C0%2C-5_PIStarRatingFIVE%2CBottomLeft%2C360%2C-6_SR600%2C315_ZA(20%20Reviews)%2C445%2C286%2C400%2C400%2Carial%2C12%2C4%2C0%2C0%2C5_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg' alt='The Handbook Of Conflict Resolution Summary' title='The Handbook Of Conflict Resolution Summary' />Because women and men managers occupy different roles at work and at home, role theory suggests that they would use different conflict resolution behaviors in each role. Conflict resolution in the workplace can be broken down into steps to simplify the process. By doing so, HR and managers can ensure more effective communication and a. About JosseyBass. JosseyBass publishes products and services to inform and inspire those interested in developing themselves, their organizations and institutions. S. Secret service. Threat Assessment in Schools A Guide to Managing Threatening Situations and to Creating Safe School Climates a follow up report by the Safe School Initiative, sponsored by the Dept. Education and the U. S. Secret Service. Deadly Lessons Understanding Lethal School Violence online excerpts from a book of this title. Preventing School Violence a report by the Safe and Responsive Schools Project. The Handbook Of Conflict Resolution Theory And Practice PdfThe Dark Side of Zero Tolerance a 1. Zero Tolerance, Zero Evidence a critical analysis of zero tolerance and related disciplinary policies and practices. Are Zero Tolerance Policies Effective in the Schools American Psychological Association. The Color of Discipline Sources of Racial and Gender Disproportionality in School Punishment a 2. U. S. Beyond Zero Tolerance ACLU analysis of zero tolerance policies in Pennsylvania public schoolsIts a Fork, Its a Spoon, Its a. Weapon a 2. 00. NYTimes article about a 6 year old boy who was suspended from school for bringing to school a camping utensil that included a spoon, fork, and knife. He had just joined the Cub Scouts and wanted to try the utensil at lunch. Zero Tolerance Policies An Issue Brief a summary review of history, research, and recommendations, prepared by the Virginia Board of Education. Largest Ever Study of Anti LGBT Harassment in Schools Shows the Problem is Widespread, Dangerous and Preventable Despite an anti harassment law that took effect four years ago this month, harassment and bullying based on sexual orientation remain persistent and pervasive in California schools. Californias middle and high school students, more than 2. California Safe Schools Coalition. The Safe Place to Learn study found that widespread bullying has dangerous academic, health and safety consequences for students. California Safe Schools Coalition Various research briefs documenting discrimination and harassment on the basis of actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity in California schools. GSA Network Empowering youth activists to fight homophobia and transphobia in schools. They Dont Even Know Me Understanding Anti Gay Harassment and Violence in School a powerful report about the physical and emotional abuse associated with anti gay violence in schools. U. S. Department of Education Letter to Schools and Educators about Bullying a statement that educators have a responsibility to address bullying in accordance with federal civil rights law, and if they fail to do this, they can be held liable in a court of law. Cruel Kids, Tragic Ends ABC news video that tells a true story about a student who was bullied and harassed so much that he saw suicide as his only way out. The Secrets a Teen Carried Nearly Killed Her. Cyberbullying The New Online Crime a good, brief, clear, overview article that includes many useful links. Cyberbullying Different Solutions for a Different ProblemThe Cyberbullying Research Center an organization dedicated to providing up to date information about the nature, extent, causes, and consequences of cyberbullying among adolescents. Cyberbullying can be defined as willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices. Stop Cyberbullying website that goes in depth about the issues behind cyberbullying. Stop Cyberbullying This helpful website provides information on what cyberbullying is, as well as how to spot, report, and prevent it. There is also an informative quiz, along with a variety of sources available at the bottom of the webpage. Cyber Bullying and Young People Treatment Principles Not Simplistic Advice this article gives a broad overview of the problem of cyber bullying what it is, the consequences of letting it continue, and advice on how to work with victims of cyber bullying and parents. Cyber Bullying Always On Always Aware this website is a comprehensive resource on the issue of cyber bullying. 3Dxchange 5 Pro Full. It lists the various electronic mediums through which bullying may occur, gives suggestions for prevention, and provides warning signs for possible victims. No Bully a website about bullying and anti bullying, created by an organization whose purpose is to make school a place where every student feels included by their peers and accepted for who they are. Cyberbullying and LGBT Youth This article contains statistics about cyberbullying against LGBT and LGBT allies. Crossing the Line an important 2. Do. Something. org This website provides resources on cyber bullying and ways to take action against it. STOP Cyberbullying This website provides resources for students, teachers, and care givers. Human Rights Campaign This website contains advice for LGBT teens and links to anti bullying and anti name calling articles. Youth Violence Project A team of faculty and graduate students conducts research on effective methods and policies for youth violence prevention and school safety at University of Virginia Curry School of Education. Recreating Schools for All Children an article discussing how to create a firm, fair, consistent, and positive discipline for schools to use with a diverse community. Time Line of Worldwide School Shootings an article containing a list of worldwide school shootings that occurred from 1. New School Racism Jena and Beyond this article explains racism in school and it gives the story about the Jena six case. Preventing School Shootings A Summary of a U. S. Secret Service Safe School Initiative Report an article summarizing the USSS Safe School Initiative report on school violence. Preparing Teachers for Conflict Resolution in Schools an article designed to introduce teachers to the idea of the technique of Progressive Conflict Resolution.
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