Microsoft Publisher Templates Tickets

Microsoft Publisher Templates Tickets

Microsoft Publisher Tips and Design Guide for Commercial Printing. Publisher Tips. This is a page for all Microsoft Publisher users. Presentation folder and pocket folder design templates and easy instructions for preparing your files for commercial printing. These instructions are for Microsoft Publisher. Instructions for printing raffle tickets using Microsoft Word are here. Or use this special online raffle ticket. How to Make Raffle Tickets. Raffle tickets are like a pintsized lottery. People spend money on a ticket in the hopes of winning a prize. They are a common way for. Attractive Microsoft Publisher Templates to Make Your Documents Eye Catching. The first thing you notice about any document, or any file, is its appearance. This post will show you how to create numbered raffle tickets using Microsoft Word for Mac 2011 UPDATE Click here for new instructions for printing numbered raffle. The tips here include submissions from users like you, as well as observations from our pre press and design staff. Refer often to these tips to help you get a clean, flawless layout. Publisher Keyboard Shortcuts. Page layout programs like Publisher are, to a large degree, about formatting text into a legible and inviting configuration. And page layout pros save a lot of time by using keyboard shortcuts for their most often used actions. To that end, here are some keyboard shortcuts. CtrlB for bold text. CtrlU for underline. CtrlI for italic. Ctrl for superscript. CtrlShift for subscript. CtrlShiftK for small caps. CtrlSpacebar removes all style formats. CtrlShiftf accesses the font menu. CtrlShiftP accesses the font size menu. You can use Microsoft Publisher to create many types of personal and business publications, including forms. Publisher includes builtin templates for the following. Microsoft Publisher Templates Tickets' title='Microsoft Publisher Templates Tickets' />CtrlShift increases the font size. CtrlShiftlt decreases the font size. Work in the CMYK Color Space in Publisher, rather than RGB. Please visit our RGB CMYK Information page for a full explanation. You can start a new document or change a current document to any page size you like. Simply go to FilePage Setup and under the option Choose a Publication Layout select. Special Size. Under the option Choose a Publication Size select Custom. You may then. enter in the physical dimensions of your printed piece making sure the orientation is correct. Once complete, click OK and you may begin your design. The Nudge Option. For a high degree of control over the. Just select the. object you need to move and use AltArrowkey up, down, right, left and. Use Arrange Nudge. Absolute Positioning. Even better, go to Format Size And Position. This is the absolute. Trying to position objects by eye on your monitor can be. Do the math and use this method when you want your design. Grouping Elements. After you have a section of your layout. Arrange Group Objects or CtrlShiftG. This will lock them together. This is especially useful if you will need. Automatic Wrapping. You dont have to press Enter return. Simply type away. Publisher wrap the text automatically. This may save you lots of. Enter commands. If you need. Shift Enter, called a. One Space, or Two Instead of putting two spaces after each sentence, just put one. This is a standard in the industry. Putting Things in the Background. Publisher uses foreground and background. Your work will go on the foreground by default unless you. You might want to use images or text in. Heres how to do it choose View Go To Background. This will take you to the background of the. Remember to Print a Hard Copy. Its very easy to miss mistakes in your. Print it out and. Check for spelling errors, spacing problems, inconsistencies. If your project is going to be folded then fold the printout. Spacing and Alignment. Check the alignment of frames, text. It should be consistent throughout your publication. Also check spacing between headings, paragraphs, and pictures. The spacing. should be consistent throughout your publication. Spelling and Punctuation. Dont forget to check your spelling, punctuation. Run the spell checker select Tools Spelling Check Spelling. Another good one is to check the accuracy of hyphenation select Tools Language Hyphenation. Its a good idea to have someone. They may see something youve been looking at and missing. Not Sure We Can Print From Your Publisher File If you are not sure that your file will work, you can send it to us and well examine it to see if there are any major flaws that would prevent us from printing your project. Professional Printing Results with Microsoft Publisher. Im going to make the bold statement. You can get the same professional printing results using Microsoft Publisher, a program that many people already have on their computer or can obtain for only about 1. Adobe Indesign or Quark XPress. And Im going to tell you exactly how to do it in this article. All layoutdesign programs do essentially the same thing they allow you to position text, photos, clip art and other elements in a document which is generally destined to be printed on some kind of media such as paper. And the secret here is that Publisher is equipped to do all these things just fine. In addition, weve found that its much faster to learn than the more expensive programs. Since we began, Printing. For. Less. com has been the printer for tens of thousands of small businesses who have chosen to use Publisher to create their marketing pieces. And what weve learned in over 1. Well focus on how to overcome these pitfalls while using Publisher. Before you fire up MS Publisher and begin to add pictures and text to a layout, consider doing a little planning and idea development first. Brainstorm with your team exactly what change in thought or behavior you desire to create in those who view your piece. What story are you telling What bold premise are you putting forth What call to action are you building into your marketing piece Get clear on these questions and then sketch on paper some possible ideas for how to attain these results before you begin the actual layout. After you do the above mentioned planning its time to obtain whatever photographs your piece requires. Two of the largest mistakes that we see with photography are. Using haphazardly produced or pre existing photographs simply out of convenience instead of obtaining exactly what your planning process calls for. Poor lighting or low resolution. You can get decent quality photography with only a moderately priced camera of perhaps 4 or more megapixels. If you frame your subjects correctly hintget close., mount the camera on a tripod for maximum sharpness and use some supplementary lighting when indoors, you will probably be happy with the results. With a 4 megapixel image which is uncropped you can stretch it to about 7 wide and still have sufficient resolution to create a sharp, professional look. If you use it at a smaller size than 7 it will be plenty sharp. Its not important to convert your photographs from RGB to CMYK since Publisher stores them as RGB anyway. At Printing. For. Less our RGB to CMYK image conversion process is state of the art and will yield the most accurate possible results. Logos, diagrams, clipart, etc. Many marketing pieces require a company logo or other types of images which are not photography. The main thing to avoid here is using artwork which was obtained from a website. It will be much too low in resolution and will look fuzzy or blocky on the edges. Use original artwork which is 3. Please call us about this part of your design process if you have questions. We have highly trained creative and technical people with libraries of such artwork who can help you get what you need inexpensively or perhaps even free of charge. Create the layout document. Create your layout document in Publisher at the trimmed, finished size of the piece. If the piece is folded use the layout guides tool to create Grid Guides to indicate where the folds are and also where the center of each fold panel is. In other words, for a three panel, folded brochure, create six columns. The Grid Guide in the center of each column will make it much faster to accurately center the images, text and other contents of each panel. You can find the Layout Guides tool under the Arrange menu item. When positioning text and images in a column, if you select an object it creates handles on the corners and sides of the object which you can use to stretch it. To perfectly center all your layout items select and nudge each object so that the center top and bottom handles line up with the grid guides you created. In general, if you use actual measurements, guides and other tools to position your layout items instead of merely eyeballing their positioning you will be certain of creating a more professional looking layout. Margin guides can be set to. Printable numbered raffle tickets on your own computerThese instructions are for Microsoft Publisher. Instructions for printing raffle tickets using Microsoft Word are here. Or use this special online raffle ticket program which is much easier than Word or PublisherUpdate new instructions for printing from Word 2. This post will show you how to create printable numbered raffle tickets at home. Youve found this post, so you already know creating raffle tickets to print out yourself is harder than it sounds. A few days ago my wife asked me if I could help her print out raffle tickets for our local kindergarten quiz night. She had this Word document, with the raffle tickets neatly arranged on the page and was about to start typing a unique ticket number on every ticket. All 5. 00 of them. My first thought Stop Just do a quick mail merge, and Word will produce 5. Honey, step aside, itll take me about 1. Watch and learn. Turns out it took the best part of an afternoon. Getting Word to put a unique number on each raffle ticket is easy enough, but persuading Word to print out several uniquely numbered raffle tickets per sheet of paper is very hard I think it is impossible, actually. At least I couldnt figure it out. UPDATE I did figure it out. Instructions for printing raffle tickets using Microsoft Word are here. And you dont really want to have every raffle ticket use up a whole sheet of paper. But you can do it with Microsoft Publisher. Here are the step by step instructions Or read on to learn how to do it manually in Publisher1. Create your raffle ticket in Publisher. Open Publisher and click on File. New to create a new blank document. Depending on your settings, youll get a bunch of options here with different templates and sizes. You just need to create a new blank document, it doesnt matter what size because you are going to change the size in a minute. Once you have your new blank document, go to File. Page Setup. to set the correct size. You want to set this to the size of your raffle ticket, not the size of paper you are printing on. You probably want 4 raffle tickets per page, so if you are printing on A4 then set the size to 2. If you are printing on Letter size paper, then use 7. Now add text and maybe a logo to create your raffle ticket. Remember to  Include a ticket stub which you can tear off Leave space for the raffle ticket number well be adding that in a moment Include any legal wording your local regulations require in the UK, youll probably need a license from your local council, and include details of that on the raffle ticket. More about that here. Create a list of raffle ticket numbers in Excel or another spreadsheet program. Open Excel and create a new workbook. In cell A1, type the number 1 without quotes or another number, if you want to start your numbering from a different number. In the cell below, type A11 without quotes and hit enterreturn. Thatll put a 2 in that cell, like this. Now click the tiny black square in the bottom right of that cell, keep your mouse button clicked and drag down for as many rows as you need raffle tickets. If you prefer using the keyboard, rather than the mouse, then do this instead of dragging down select cell A2, hit CTRLC to copy, then select cell A3 and use SHIFTPg. Dn to select all the way down to row 5. Then hit CTRLV to paste. Now save your spreadsheet somewhere you can find it again, and close Excel. Add the numbers to your raffle tickets in Publisher. Return to Publisher and click on Tools Mailings and Catalogs Mail Merge. A big panel should appear on the left hand side of the screen. Check that Use an existing list is selected, then click Next Create or connect to an existing list. Navigate to where you earlier saved your raffle ticket numbers spreadsheet and click Open. On the next screen, be sure to uncheck the box First row of data contains column headers, then click OK. Just click OK on the next screen Or, read on for the rest of the do it yourself the hard way instructions. Now you need to put a ticket number placeholder on your raffle ticket. Click where you need the raffle ticket number to appear, then click F1 in the left hand panel. Repeat for the stub, to print the ticket number there also. Now, down the bottom of the lefthand panel, click Next Create merged publications. Then, click Print. Now, pay attention for this last step. Check all of the following 1. Select Multiple Pages per sheet not Multiple Copies per sheet2. Choose the correct paper size for the paper you are actually printing on A4 or Letter3. Select Portrait4. Under Page Range, click Entries and type 1 4 without quotes so you just print first four tickets for now, to check things over5. Click Print. Something like this should pop out of your printer. Four raffle tickets on a page, each with a different number If you are happy with the results, click Print. But this time set Page Range to All entries. Print button, then all your raffle tickets will come out of the printer, each with a unique ticket number. Lrp Quantum Pro Reverse Manual Shifter on this page.

Microsoft Publisher Templates Tickets