Spherical Astronomy Robin M. Green Pdf

Spherical Astronomy Robin M. Green Pdf

S0277379114003667-gr1.jpg' alt='Spherical Astronomy Robin M. Green Pdf' title='Spherical Astronomy Robin M. Green Pdf' />Bib. Me Free Bibliography Citation Maker. Select style search. Select style search. Search for a book, article, website, film, or enter the information yourself. Add it easily and continue. About the Author Peter Attia, M. D., is a physician in private practice in NYC and CA. His practice focuses on longevity and healthspan. His clinical interests are. Because you are small and the Earth is big, getting knocked on the noggin by a meteorite is a low odds event. Peliculas Mexicanas Para Descargar Rapidshare. But a big meteorite, say one 100 yards across. Biography. Jenny Schneider received her M. Sc. degree in Material and Nanochemistry in 2011 from the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University Hannover. Add it easily and continue. Add it to your bibliography and continue citing to build your works cited list. Download bibliography. This is my last post for the Bad Astronomy Blog on Discover Magazine. As of today Monday, November 12, 2012 the blog has a new home at Slate magazine. BibMe Free Bibliography Citation Maker MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. Download bibliography. Download your bibliography in either the APA, MLA, Chicago or Turabian formats. Death by meteorite Bad Astronomy Bad Astronomy. I recently wrote about the odds of getting hit by a meteorite. But what are the odds of getting killed by one Turns out, theyre a lot higher Why Because you are small and the Earth is big, getting knocked on the noggin by a meteorite is a low odds event. But a big meteorite, say one 1. It could land kilometers away and the blast wave or the heat could do you in. And a bigger one can land hundreds of kilometers away and still snuff you out, especially if it hits in the ocean and causes a big tsunami to march over the beaches and coastlines. However, big asteroids coming in and whacking us are much rarer than small ones if you go out on a clear night you might see a dozen meteors caused by rocks smaller than a grain of sand, but you could wait 1. You have to account for that as well. This is a calculation worth doing, because a a lot of people fret about it, and b it could in fact mean the end of all life on Earth. That might be worth knowing. Astronomer Alan Harris has made that calculation. Allowing for the number of Earth crossing asteroids the kind that can hit us because their orbits around the Sun intersect ours as well as how much damage they can do which depends on their size, he calculated that any persons lifetime odds of being killed by an asteroid impact are about 1 in 7. One out of seven hundred thousandThats still pretty low and certainly not enough to lie awake at night worrying about it. But there are a few important things to consider. A big asteroid is rare, but one bigger than about 1. That skews the odds. If one of those hit every 1. A small impact might happen 1. Weird. 2 We are lousy at understanding low probability events. I know that 1 in 7. As a comparison, youre more likely to die in a fireworks accident. But whats funny is, this is a slightly higher chance than being killed by a terrorist Despite propaganda to the contrary, the odds of any given person being killed by a terrorist attack are incredibly low. While terrorist attacks in the long run are a near certainty, the odds of you getting killed are very low. Its like the lottery someone wins every time eventually, but chances are it wont be you. Worrying about preventing a terrorist attack is a good idea, but unless you work in a high risk job worrying specifically about dying in one is not. Incidentally, you have about the same odds as being killed on an amusement park ride. Wheee And that brings us to one more thing to consider 3 We need only spend a relatively small amount of money to drop those odds a lot more. We spend billions on terrorist attacks, but hardly anything on preventing asteroid impacts. Yet, of all the ways we can die from astronomical events, asteroid impacts are both the highest probability event and the only ones we can prevent. We cant stop the Sun from blasting out flares which take down our power grids, or a nearby star from exploding. But we do in fact have the technology or will in literally ten years to detect incoming asteroids and then move them out of the way. I wont go into details here go read the B6. Foundations site for info but this tech will exist as soon as we have the Ares rockets ready to launch in 2. I suspect the heavy lift rockets already in use by other countries might do as well. The investment will be a few billion dollars, but the outcome is preventing the wiping out of the human race. Per capita, I think thats worth a few bucks. Note If youre curious for more, I have a lot more detail about asteroid and comet impacts in my book. A lot more. That is, if an attack is on the same scale as previous ones. A really big event the use of a dirty bomb, poisoning of a water system, or some other cheery thing like that will up the odds quite a bit.

Spherical Astronomy Robin M. Green Pdf