The programming cable is intended to be used with a computer RS232 port for programming radios and other devices. The main goal of this cable schematics is the. The programming cable is intended to be used with a computer RS 2. The main goal of this cable. That is because the COM ports logic one is a low voltage level, logic. Another goal is the correct voltage level. And. nothing must get burnt. Schematic diagram. HackersRussia,. No more missed important software updates UpdateStar 11 lets you stay up to date and secure with the software on your computer. Connection circuits jacks for mobile radios are shown as they are plugged. GP 3. 40 connector draft by K. Bokhanov. VT1, VT3, VT4 transistors may be BC8. BC5. 47. B, etc. VT2 may be BC8. BC5. 57. B, etc. Fast silicon diodes of any type will do, for example 1. N4. 14. 8 or LL4. Mini. MELF case. LP2. LM2. 95. 1 with appropriate resistors. L0. 5 is the worst choice due to its own high current consumption. Vertex Ce59 Software' title='Vertex Ce59 Software' />It may fail to work in some cases. Use 7. 8L0. 5 with an external power source. Cable for RRx. D and RTx. D connections should be shielded. Multiwire cable with. I/51vxZN0T3GL.jpg' alt='Vertex Ce59 Software Download' title='Vertex Ce59 Software Download' />Otherwise Tx. D to Rx. D interference will result in programming failure. It is. important for some KENWOOD radios. It is convenient to use an additional connector to attach particular radio. DB9 is recommended as a highly reliable one. Cable connection to KENWOOD portable radios has a specific feature. Radio. sockets have prominent rubber rings, thus standard stereo jacks cannot be. The jack flanges should be ground off till. The jack cases should be cut accordingly. TK 3. 53 radios are put in the program mode by holding the side button below. PTT and C button while powering the radio on. Hold the buttons until PC. TK 2. 50 enters programming mode by pressing Lamp and. Lo buttons while turning the radio on. In MOTOROLA GP3. 00 connector use 2 Ampere diode if you intend to transmit with. Ampere diode otherwise. In MOTOROLA P0. 40 P0. This connector does not need an external power supply if it is provided from. MOTOROLA mobile CM series radios are programmed through the rear accessory. The programming cable is not powered from the port. The power supply. The corresponding programming cable connector was designed by. Vadim UA9. MIRMOTOROLA mobile CM series radios may be also programmed through the front mic. The programming cable is powered from the radio socket. The corresponding programming cable connector was designed and tested by. Belu Daniel Romania. Manycam Virtual Microphone Driver Free Download. In MOTOROLA GP 3. Volts. The specific jack is used, it is shown on the figure. MOTOROLA MAG ONE radios are programmed with the specific connector with. To be firmly inserted in the. Jacks before and after the modification. The photo is provided by Alexander Gulliver. VERTEX VXR 5. 00. VXR 7. 00. 0 programming software works improperly on modern. Computers with i. VERTEX, i. Celeron 4. MHz processor may be also applicable. An unusual connector is needed for KENWOOD TK 6. The common. data transmission and reception line is used. The cable can be used as a CAT interface for tranceiver control. This cable. connector includes separate Tx and Rx data lines and a power supply from. Alexander Nesterov has designed the TAIT T2. The main idea is the additional level invertion using a CMOS logic IC. CD4. 09. 3 is recommended because it has Schmitt trigger inputs. However, any. CMOS invertor can be used. Unused IC inputs not outputs should be grounded. Alexander Nesterov has also designed the programmer schematics. VD8 and R1. 3 and a specific connector to program. MAXON SL5. 00 radios. The programmer is used as a non inverting buffer. In SL5. 00 connector VD1 and VD2 diodes provide an extra protection of the radio. They can be omitted if desired. Oleg EX8. MLT has proposed HYT TC 5. It is different. from KENWOOD portables connector which is used for other HYT radios. Both. jacks should be plugged in simultaneously. Alexander Ivanov has designed a connector to ALTAVIA radios. These. radios are designed and manufactured in Russia. The connector is similar to. MOTOROLA P0. 40P0. Alexander UA9. CEE has designed a connector to STANDARD. GX 2. 00. 0 radios. The radio should be programmed with slow computers recommended. MHz or less under MS DOS. Valery UA6. LPG has designed a connector to Russian Granit 2. Programmer schematics is classic. The radio is put into programming mode by. Phi button while powering on. Yuri US5. IVZ has designed a connector to DRAGON SY 5. It should be linked to the microphone connector. Federico Menthe Argentina has modified the TAIT radios connector. Now it is capable to program T3. Vladimir Vashchenko has designed a connector schematics for VERTEX. VX 8. 00, VX 4. VX 6. These radios have a specific accessory. Vladislav Bashaev has designed a connector schematics for ICOM. Alexander Gulliver has proposed the connector for the VECTOR VT 4. MILITARY portable LPD radio. Roman RN3. ADR with the authors participance has designed the connector for. SIMOCO SRM 9. 00. Before programming the radio must be turned on. To do so push and hold SW1 button until HL1 LED switches on. After programming. LED switches off. Now you. may disconnect the programming cable from the radio. Valery UA9. MRQ has proposed the connector for the russian GRANIT 2. P 2. 1. Yury US5. IVZ has proposed the connector for ALAN HM 2. Georgy RN3. ZNL and Dmitry RN3. ZQL have tested the programming cable. COM USB2. 0 converter. Windows XP. In this case a DOS programming. DOS. softwares for MOTOROLA mobile radios were tested. Also the data exchange. DOS programs via the emulated port is notably higher then via the. Windows XP. Modern high speed computers vere used. A connection to devices with a non standard processor supply voltage. A Tx. D. key power is taken from the phone, so the input logic levels cannot exceed the. For example SENAO SN 2. Tx. D cont. 1, Rx. D cont. 2, GND cont. Vbat cont. 5. R1 resistor may be omitted because the phone Rx. D circuit has. an inner 4. Ohm resistor to the ground. The cellular phones connector can be used for applying AT commands or firmware. There are no hardware flow control circuits in the connector. The Siemens. specific connector is shown. Use it for AT commands with the switch turned. The Siemens phone socket pinout is from. For more information please search. The programming cable. B was designed by Valery UA6. LPG. with non chip components. In order to print it save the GIF image to disk. Then open the GIF file with Adobe Photoshop or any. ImageImage size. Print it, it will be of the right size. Please note that Rind resistor and a LED are used just to indicate the. You can. omit R1. Rind and a LED, the circuit will work. Some words are in Russian. The recommended value of Rind is. Ohm to minimize the current consumption, the LED will glow slightly. The programming cable was tested with 3. Device radio type. Checked by. Recommended software. Connector. KENWOODTM V7. Igor RA0. FMFMCP V7 ver 1. KEN 1. ATK 2. 50. Valery UA6. LPG, Belu Daniel Romania, Norman Miller CX1. ANM. Uruguay, Victoria Chernigovskaya. KPG 2. 3DKEN 2. TK 2. Robert PE1. CWUKPG 3. DKEN 2. TK 2. 60. GValery UA6. LPG, Vladimir Fiodorov. KPG 5. 6DKEN 2. TK 2. Alexander UA4. LOR, Belu Daniel Romania, Nikolay aka KOKA. Norman Miller CX1. ANM Uruguay, Yevgueny UR5. LIS, Alexander UR5. TIDKPG 2. 7DKEN 2. TK 2. 70. GSerguey RU3. VV, Gorodnov, Nikolay Novakov, Albina Luchaninova. Vladimir Fiodorov, Norman Miller CX1. ANM Uruguay, Yevgueny. Novik, Igor Saprykin, Ramil Yunusov, Zinnur Nigmatulin. KPG 5. 6DKEN 2. TM 2. Marat Dushanbe, Victor from Alma Ata, Zinnur Nigmatulin. MCP 1. AKEN 1. BTK 2. Norman Miller CX1. ANM UruguayKPG 2. DKEN 2. TK 2. 72. GNorman Miller CX1. ANM UruguayKPG 5. DKEN 2. TK 2. 78. Yevgueny RA9. MHL, Igor Marzaganov, Alexander Nesterov, Lahodni. Stefan Romania, Denis Alafinov, Nikolay UT5. VF, Yury RA9. SVD. Nikolay aka KOKA, Ramil Yunusov, Serguey Olar, Oleg RN3. AUM. Boris Martynov, Alexey EW7. ATKPG 2. 7DKEN 2. TK 3. 50. Alexander UA9. CEE, Serguey UA0. CIC, Norman Miller CX1. ANM. UruguayKPG 2. DKEN 2. TK 3. 53the author. KPG 2. 6DKEN 2. TK 3. KPG 2. 7DKEN 2. TK 3. Gthe author, Ramunas Majauskas. KPG 5. 6DKEN 2. TK 3. Alexander Gulliver, Igor UU8. JA, Norman Miller CX1. Download Update. Star Update. Star. Download the. Double click the downloaded file. Update. Star is compatible with Windows platforms. Update. Star has been tested to meet all of the technical requirements to be compatible with. Windows 1. 0, 8. 1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2. Windows. XP, 3. 2 bit and 6. Simply double click the downloaded file to install it. Update. Star Free and Update. Star Premium come with the same installer. Update. Star includes support for many languages such as English, German, French, Italian, Hungarian, Russian and many more. You can choose your language settings from within the program.
Vertex Ce59 Software
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