Drop City Tc Boyle Epub

Drop City Tc Boyle Epub

Melanoma and primary hepatocellular carcinoma HCC are two cancers with distinct disparity profiles. In the case of melanoma, while fairskinned individuals with. Torrentz will always love you. Farewell. 20032016 Torrentz. FC_0.jpg?itok=AQgmaJmO' alt='Drop City Tc Boyle Epub' title='Drop City Tc Boyle Epub' />Random finding plus pi The best part of parenting so far Helping your kids overcome things you struggled with. Its at least in the top 5. Last Saturday my daughter came home from dance classsomething she normally lovesand seemed upset. A bit of prodding led to the cause a girl in her dance class told her she was as fat as a hippopotamus. My first reaction note to self probably not the right one was to laugh out loud, given that my daughter is probably in the 1. No more missed important software updates UpdateStar 11 lets you stay up to date and secure with the software on your computer. Bibliografa Compendio de bibliografas de los distintos captulos. En la elaboracin de los contenidos de la web de la espalda se han usado criterios y. A couple of weeks ago, Intel announced its first batch of 8thgeneration CPUs. Theyre improved versions of the current Kaby Lake chips, but with double the cores. Crack Hyperterminal more. Im worried shes too skinny Of course I realized quickly the facts were irrelevant in this case. Her body habitus was moot. But her feelings were hurt, and as we all know this wouldnt be last time someone said something to hertrue or untruethat would hurt her feelings. I wont go through the entire discussion we had, as Im sure those of you with kids have already been through this, and those of you without kids probably arent worrying about this type of interaction. I did, however, decide to tell her about all the people who dislike me and say mean things about me, usually things that arent true. She was shocked, Like what, daddy I gave example after example. She was amazedand relieved, I suspectto know that she wasnt alone and that I was able to shrug it off after temporarily being upset by it. I even told her about folks posting videos on You. Tube specifically attacking me. So, when our little talk was over she asked if she could see one of the videos I alluded to. I was a bit hesitant, if only for some of the language used when folks rant against my existence if shes going to learn choice 4 letter words in earnest, it should be from me after all, but I figured it was a good idea. She could actually see for herself that people say mean things about her dad and hes still, more or less, ok. Which brings me to the point of this quasi postIn searching for said You. Tube videos, which I eventually found, I stumbled across two talks I gave last year which made their way online, unbeknownst to me. In keeping with the current spirit of my cop op blog posts, below are links to the two talks. This talk is an updated version of a talk I gave a few years ago and shared on the blog, in 2. I think. Even if you watched the earlier version of the talk, if you find this question interestingwhat is the case for restricting saturated fat SFA intakeits worth watching this version. I find this particular topic especially interesting because I think it highlights the challenge we all have, myself included, in setting aside bias when confronted with new information. My friend Carols amazing book, Mistakes Were Made But Not By Me cannot be recommend highly enough for people who want to understand how cognitive dissonance wreaks havoc in even otherwise functioning societies. And contrary to what some perhaps many of you might think, I dont believe this is a settled debate across the board. What do I mean by that i. Certainly in this presentation I try to make the case that the continually falling recommendations for SFAfrom 1. In fact, such recommendations likely do harm, courtesy of the substitution effect, i. PUFAthat likely cause greater metabolic derangement. However, some readers may interpret the data I present to mean its perfectly safe to consume, say, 2. SFA. I realize I may have to turn in my keto club card, but I am convinced that a subset of the populationI dont know how large or small, because my N is too smallare not better served by mainlining SFA, even in the complete absence of carbohydrates i. Let me repeat this point I have seen enough patients whose biomarkers go to hell in a hand basket when they ingest very high amounts of SFA. This leads me to believe some people are not genetically equipped to thrive in prolonged nutritional ketosis. In one particularly interesting case, a patient in self prescribed nutritional ketosis presented to me with an LDL P of more than 3. L i. e., more particles than could be measured by the NMR machine so the report simply said 3,5. L despite feeling, performing, and looking great. Based on his through the roof desmosterol and cholanstanol levels, and a curb side consult from the Godfather I mean Dr. Tom Dayspring, I decided to try an experiment. You see, the logical thing to do in this setting would have been to start two drugs immediately a potent statin to address the hypersynthesis and ezetimibe to address the hyperabsorption or tell him to abandon ketosis altogether. But this patient was adamant about staying in ketosis given the other benefits, though obviously worried about the long term coronary implications. So, we agreed that for a 3 month trial period he would reduce SFA to an average of 2. MUFA. Parenthetically, we also reduced his omega 3 PUFA given very high RBC EPA and DHA levels. So, on balance, he consumed about the same number of calories and even total quantity of fat, but his distribution of fat intake changed and he heavily swapped out SFA for MUFA. The result His LDL P fell from 3,5. L to about 1,3. 00 nmolL about 5. CRP fell from 2. 9 mgL to lt 0. L and for the lipoprotein cognoscenti, both desmosterol and cholanstanol fell. Pretty cool, huh So, my point is this while I believe the population based guidelines for SFA are not supported by a standard of science I consider acceptable, it does not imply I believe SFA is uniformly safe at all levels for all individuals. Some of you may be wondering about me. It turns out Im in the group recall I have no idea how large or small this group is that seems to do wellat least by the tools we have available to assess riskwith large amounts of SFA in my diet, if and when I elect to. Even when I was in ketosis, eating 4,0. SFA alone my biomarkerscardiovascular, insulin resistance, inflammationwere excellent. Better than they ever were or even are today. Though, my point still stands there are some people who do not appear able to safely consume massive amounts of SFA. One last point Ill make on this highly charged topic. I realize there is a contingent within the LCHF community who argue that traditional biomarkers of coronary risksuch as LDL C or its superior cousin LDL Pdont matter if one is on a low carb or ketogenic diet. Maybe they are right. I guess time will tell. But I am not convinced, at least not yet. As a doctor I cant look a patient in the eye and tell them a sky high LDL P is ok because they dont eat carbohydrates. So if youre following such a diet, and your LDL P goes through the roof, Id urge you to consider a variation of the diet. Note If you post your NMR results, please understand I will not comment on them. This presentation has nothing to do with nutrition but is, nevertheless, a topic Im pretty obsessed with how do we achieve cost containment on healthcare in the United States Sorry non U. S. readers, but we have a bigger problem right now, so Im focusing on ours over yoursThis is a pretty controversial topic, so before you jump down my throat, try to sit through the entire talk, especially the parts where I frame the question as one of optimization. Most problems that have been heavily politicized suffer a common problem they fail to distinguish between what is desirable in a resource unconstrained world e. Hope you enjoy the departure from the usual topics. Pi Day. The math geeks in the audience will appreciate that yesterday, March 1. Normally, March 1. Yesterday, however, being the pi day in 2. If youre a watch geek, in addition to being a math geekyes, I realize this is not a huge clubthe beauty of a perpetual calendar a type of watch that shows time, month, date, and year inclusive of leap years, made it a really fun day Why Because at 9 2. After capturing this wonderful moment in time, I sent the picture, below, to my watch mentor also a math geek yes I just wrote the words watch and mentor next to each other.

Drop City Tc Boyle Epub