Game Maker 8 Enemy Ai Mod

Game Maker 8 Enemy Ai Mod

Spacing2.png' alt='Game Maker 8 Enemy Ai Mod Ksp' title='Game Maker 8 Enemy Ai Mod Ksp' />Mission Control Center Sandbox 2 MOD Version Miscellaneous. Shay Gman Spirit Ollem. Description It is freedom. In this 2. MB addon youll find the power to create, control, alter and spice your missions on the run. Youll have the power to change and surprise your friends every time youll play. GameTrailers is your destination to see official trailers first. Powered by IGN, you can expect to see worldfirst exclusive gameplay and the hottest new tra. Total Annihilation Universe TAUniverse is the biggest Total Annihilation website on the internet, dedicated to Total Annihilation TA, Total Annihilation Kingdoms. Game Updates posted in Announcements Version 1. Published on October 24, 2014. Version 1. 004 Published on November 11th, 2014. Version 1. 005 Published on. Digital download store with indie and major publisher titles for PC and mobile platforms allowing to donate parts of the purchase amount to charitable organizations. Empire Earth II Unofficial Patch v. Game mod Download. The file Unofficial Patch v. Empire Earth II, an strategy game. You can use it a mainframe for mission making, as a strain test tool for mission making or even as a cheat tool for SP. Youll get a 3. D editor, box generator, time control, weather control, fog control, youll spawn enemy or friendly units asking them to patrol a zone or ambush the players, youll call for paratroops, create IED, suicide bombers, hostile civilians, place ambushes, call a UAV, a ULB, place a hostage, call for more then 1. CAS missions to aid your friend or to harm them, create triggers, play music or sound, create briefings, tasks, markers, spawn an LHD, spawn some vehicles on it, call for evac, start a HALO and much much much more. Youll be able to save it and load it on later on the run. As Spirit put it in his own words MCC is a dynamic, real time, in game mission creation tool. It enables people to build missions on the fly whilst in game and change mission parameters to match the reactions of progress of the players. MCC is capable of saving a mission and load it up on the server without using any FTP but by simple use of the clipboard. This means missions can be created out of the dedicated server and loaded up to play. From inside the mission, you can open a mission making interface that allows you place units on the map, create waypoints and briefing markers, call in CAS missions, artillery, support or whatever you feel like, the possibilities are endless. MCC is used to create both Coop and PVP missions. Its capable of using respawn on and off, including providing a spectator script. MCC makes use of a mission maker. Only one person at a time is capable of creating or interfering with the mission by login in to the mission making tool. That person is also capable of logging out again and giving somebody else a go on mission making. That way you dont need to distribute admin access for players to make or manage their missions. Installation MCC is a mod, its required CBA for it to work. Just drop the mccsandbox folder in the Arm. A folder and use a launcher or the BIS addon selecting tool to run it. Place the bikey file in the keys folder. ACE is strongly recommended as some features are exclusive to ACE, but MCC will work without it. As we always recommend use modfolders to seperate the custom content from the official game content to prevent problems. For different ways to set up your modfolders and use them please visit our FAQ. When you are using the Steam version you can find a Steam mod installation and activation FAQ here. This addon is required to be installed server sided as well Included. Usage Well once youll start a mission, any mission youll have mission generator action in the action menu. Just click it. You can find the manual here. Tutorial video links http www. Bt. UZn. R6. 9RNE featureplayerembedded Arm. A2 MCC Sandbox Tutorial 1 by shaygmanhttp www. ZSef. B9. Ypa. Hw featureplayerembedded Tutorial by Zdiddyhttp www. M4. YTk. SW9. 4Y Tutorial part 1http www. XK6. D BN w. A featurerelated Tutorial part 2http www. MGYp. Y8zc featurerelated Tutorial part 3http www. BZ0. 7Ffdlr. YY featurerelated Tutorial part 4http www. EVa 5. 1N 0. 0 featurerelated IED module tutorialhttp www. QT0. 06. I featurerelated Constuction module tutorialhttp www. Ne. 5Fo. 0K7. U High Command tutorialhttp www. O6. 0dee. D8o Some featureshttp www. ELyb. 7tv. KNQ featurerelated Som more features. Media Credits Thanks Did you guys make all of this yourself No, by all means we would be totally grey an bold. We used, with permission, a lot of good content from the community. We also used a lot of work from our self of course. Initially this project was started by Spirit and slowly went into combined effort with me. As said before Im standing on the shoulders of giants. So thanks 1. Monsada, for his UPSMON script. Mandoble, for his heliroute script. Tuskan Raider, for his Arresting gear script. Bon for his Advanced Artillery Request script. DTM2. 80. 1 for his Convoy Control Script. Ti. GGA for his ILS Pro II. On. Os for his RTE. Sickboy, Vking without them there was no MCC. BIS1. 1. An endless list of people we forgot. Changelog v. 11 Loadsave mission config changed to allow restore in latest 1. To Do writing config to arma logfile in case dedicated server config should be saved automatic Suunto openclose for both HALO paradrops if Ace. Enabled automatic viewdistance increasereduction during HALO jump old mcc config based on mod should load successfully too HALO parastart up to 1. SF should fit in C1. HALO Parastart Gunrun improved should work in most cases now Gunrun works for nearly all CAS planeschoppers now Unitmanagement ParadropHALO will drop 1 or 2 Zodiacs if the LZ it over water. Teleport at start if placed units will not be auto teleported to start location which is usefull in case of combination of pre edited mission file which e. Teleport To Team usefull for training missions modified the SF dependent code to be more flexible any unit whos name starts with sf. SF so now even SF2. SF. and same for Under. Cover any unit whos name starts with UC. HALO start location based on sync to MCC SF module rather then being dependent on only name. Headless Client support zones, UPSMON, 3d editor, FPS display Finally found a way to completely get rid of nearly all the STRDOC error messages in the rpt MCC GUI shows feedback current mission date and time MCC GUI shows feedback current viewdstancev. Group Generator Mission maker stuck on Groups Generator screen sometimes. Markers are no longer visible for others then the mission maker. HALO Paratroop Players will no longer stuck on parachuting animation once on the ground. Player will no longer take damage on SF HALO once teleported to the plane. Artillery Added to Mission maker console DPICM and Laser guided bombs. Fixed Bon artillery from MCC handheld console wasnt working on dedicated servers. Convoy Fixed spawning convoy with an HVT wasnt working. Optimized the convoy script to have much higher success rate. ULB Fixed spawning Hellfire AH 6. Sidewinders version. General Fixed the error appear once a zone was created or updated in any other menu then the first. Fixed concoy wont shoot Convoy behavior changed, less failure chance Added support for RH M4 weapons in silencer script v. Fixed Evac not landing on smoke Fixed Evac not returning to LHD Fixed Evac will land on the LHD start position and not in the middle of the runway Added LHD elevator inspired by Charles Darwin Added LHD start position for players Added LHD markers when spawned Added Rotate zone By Ollem Added Patrol zones By Ollem AI will patrol randomly between the WP in this zone Added Respawn zones By Ollem AI will keep respawning in the zone after they have died constatly or for limted times Removed LHD teleport to sea level and back, use the eleveator to get down to the sea level. Updated PDF manual. Fixed CAS plane tend to stay after the CAS mission. Garrison force units to stand up in the buildings. Enabled ACE AI wounds. Added IED can be detonated by ACE C4, satchel charge or M1. Game Updates Announcements IL 2 Sturmovik Forum. Main changes 1. 0. All aircraft stability along the pitch and yaw axes have been reworked. Planes reaction to control surfaces input became much less volatile and closer to reality. Aircraft controllability was tuned simultaneously with the stability in the same control channels. Control surfaces inputs in different flight conditions became more realistic. Aircraft handling became much less sharp and more convenient and predictable. Roll dipping after a full rudder input has been significantly decreased for all aircraft. Flat turns, coordinated side slipping straight banked flight with full rudder input for braking and other maneuvers with side slipping motion at large angles became much closer to real ones. Time of stabilizers and trimmers shift from end to end is now close to realistically possible. Trim effectiveness has been corrected for several aircraft to correspond to the updated balance boundaries. Load increase of the control surfaces has been corrected as the speed increases, changing aircraft controllability at various flight speeds and making them function closer to real data. Because of the tuned stability characteristics, aircraft lose directional stability in an event of horizontal surfaces destruction. Because of the tuned stability characteristics, aircraft lose lateral stability in an event of vertical surfaces destruction. Because of the tuned controllability and stability and additional stall tuning, aircraft stall behavior changed. An aircraft sticks less in a spin, spin recovery became easier and more predictable. Therefore, an aircraft behavior during stall and spin became closer to the real thing. If there was a specific spin data available for an aircraft, it was taken into account to make the FM even more accurate additional details follow below. Thanks to aircraft stability and controllability changes taxiing and take off and landing runs became more predictable and controllable. Run down time of the freely rotating landing gear wheels has been decreased by increasing friction values in the wheel bearings. Landing gear brakes friction has been increased, making the aircraft stopping and holding while revving the engines easier. Air flow at beyond stall Ao. A is now modeled better, making bobbling and shaking during a stall more realistic. Control surfaces buffeting values at high flight speeds have been tuned amplitudes were lowered, frequencies increased. Flight stick and pedals shifting speed became slower even more due to increased load at high flight speeds. Oscillation delay time of the sideslip indicator the small ball has been corrected. Aircraft fragments behavior unnaturally smooth fall of detached ailerons, elevators, rudders, etc. Mouse control quality has been improved significantly. Additional clarification on fixes of Soviet planes La. GG 3 series 2. 9 1. Landing gear physics model has been revised. Now the aircraft is much less prone to circling, it is now possible to turn at 1. Take off characteristics in crosswinds improved. Pedals load at various flight conditions has been corrected significantly increased at low speeds and significantly decreased at high speeds. Pitch balance and its dependence on the flaps have been corrected. Install Vmlite Xp Mode Plugin Firefox on this page. Rudder, elevator and ailerons trim shift time from end to end increased from 6 to 8 seconds. Elevator trim effectiveness has been decreased. La 5 series 8 1. Landing gear physics model has been revised. Now the aircraft is much less prone to circling, it is now possible to turn at 1. Pedals load at various flight conditions has been corrected increased at low speeds and decreased at high speeds. Pitch balance and its dependence on the flaps have been corrected. Rudder, elevator and ailerons trim shift time from end to end increased from 6 to 8 seconds. The aircraft stall behavior has been corrected using the data available. The stall in a level flight doesnt end in a spin, the aircraft proceeds to pancake, keeping the roll controllability. In a case of intentional spin entry, spin recovery requires intensive rudder input while failure to give it can result in a significant spin recovery delay. I 1. 6 type 2. 4 1. Pitch balance and its dependence on the landing flap have been corrected. Flight stick load along the roll axis at medium and high flight speeds has been slightly increased. Pedals load at various flight conditions has been corrected increased at low speeds and decreased at high speeds. Extended landing flap pitches the aircraft up significantly, on the glide path this must be compensated by moving the flight stick forward. Stall speed with the landing flap and gear extended is 3 4 kmh lower than with them retracted. The aircraft stall behavior has been checked using the data available. The stall readily results in a spin, spin recovery requires intensive rudder input while failure to give it can result in a significant spin recovery delay. Mi. G 3 series 2. Roll rate at various flight conditions has been corrected decreased at medium and high speeds. Pitch balance and its dependence on the flaps have been corrected. Elevator trim effectiveness has been decreased. Elevator and rudder trim shift time from end to end increased from 6 to 8 seconds. Flight stick load along the roll axis at high flight speeds has been slightly decreased. Pedals load at various flight conditions has been corrected significantly increased at low speeds and significantly decreased at high speeds. The aircraft stall behavior has been corrected using the data available. The stall in a level flight readily ends in a spin, spin recovery doesnt require much effort. Yak 1 series 6. 91. Pitch balance has been corrected. Flight stick load along the pitch axis has been increased at high flight speeds. Flight stick load along the roll axis has been corrected at any flight speeds. Pedals load at medium and high flight speeds has been increased significantly. Elevator trim shift time from end to end increased from 6 to 8 seconds. Elevator trim effectiveness has been decreased. The neutral roll position of the flight stick that was incorrect for joysticks without FFB has been corrected. The aircraft stall behavior has been checked using the data available. The stall readily results in a spin, spin recovery requires intensive rudder input while failure to give it can result in a significant spin recovery delay. P 4. 0E 1 1. 0. Pitch balance and its dependence on the landing flaps has been corrected. The aircraft polar has been corrected based on the new estimated data zero lift angle of attack increased, stall angle of attack increased including takeoff or landing configurations, induced drag decreased, liftdrag ratio during a maneuver increased. Cy Ao. A interpolation with landing flaps has been improved. Pedals load at various flight conditions has been corrected slightly increased at low speeds and decreased at high speeds. The landing flaps drag has been decreased. The aircraft stall behavior has been corrected using the data available. The stall in a level flight doesnt end in a spin, the aircraft proceeds to pancake. Control surfaces effectiveness has been decreased in a stall or spin. Buffeting AOA that precede stall have been corrected. The propeller aerodynamic characteristics have been corrected. Climb rate, maximum speed in a level flight and takeoff run have been corrected. IL 2 mod. 1. 94. Flight stick and pedals load at any flight speeds have been increased significantly. Elevator trim shift time from end to end increased from 6 to 8 seconds. The number of complete revolutions of the elevator trim handle in the cockpit has been increased. The aircraft stall behavior has been corrected using the data available. The stall in a level flight doesnt end in a spin, the aircraft proceeds to pancake. The stall in a turn ends in a spin. Pe 2 series 3. 58.

Game Maker 8 Enemy Ai Mod