Canon EF 1. 00 4. L IS II USM Lens Review. The Canon EF 1. 00 4. L IS II USM Lens offers professional grade build quality, fast, accurate and quiet AF, very effective image stabilization and very impressive wide open image quality. Downsides There are very few, but some may find the price high and the weight heavy. However, if the alternatives are compared, neither the price nor the weight are bad for what you get with the 1. Manfrotto_FF3512N86_Pantograph_with_Wire_Cable_78572.jpg' alt='Manfrotto Manual' title='Manfrotto Manual' />L II. The 1. 00 4. L IS II may be the longest rumored lens ever officially announced. Being rumored for such a long time 1. L IS II. With 1. 6 years of technological improvements ready to be implemented, I have to admit to being among those anxious for the arrival of this lens. When the announcement was made, my preorder was immediately placed. Why did Canon wait until this time to release the 1. II While I dont know if we will ever learn the true answer to that question, the first answer I would expect to hear from a Canon representative is that the lens was not ready until now. That answer may be true, but if I don my business cap, I see the. Tamron 1. 50 6. 00mm f5 6. Di VC USD Lens capturing a very significant market share in the short period of time it has been available. I also see a pair of Sigma 1. Manfrotto_678_678_Universal_Folding_Base_256973.jpg' alt='Manfrotto Manual' title='Manfrotto Manual' />Checklist Night photography. Switch your camera to Manual mode by turning the mode dial to M. Choose the smallest fnumber available and a relatively. PentaxForums. com Marketplace Listing Item for Sale Manfrotto MT055xPRO3 Asking Price 120. USD Item Location Sat Lake City, UT United States Item. You have not yet voted on this site If you have already visited the site, please help us classify the good from the bad by voting on this site. Coverage for drops, spills and product malfunctions No deductibles or hidden fees Free ground shipping on all repairs Fully transferable with gifts. A Neutral Density, commonly known as an ND filter, is a welcome addition to any photographers bag and allows for additional creativity in many different situations. OS lenses announced and becoming available around the same time. If the Sigma lenses receive the same acclaim that the Tamron long telephoto zoom has garnered, where does that leave Canons 1. In addition, Nikon introduced their latest competitor, the Nikon 8. G AF S VR Lens only one year prior. I think that Canon needed the updated 1. Regardless of the reason, a new 1. L lens is a very welcomed addition. Focal Length Focal Length Range. The focal length or focal length range of a lens should be among your highest criterion for lens selection. The focal length determines a combination of perspective and framing. With a range that starts at 1. The wide end has great portrait photography capabilities as illustrated by the 1. Parents chasing kids can also find plenty of uses for this entire focal length range including for their at the park and at the beach needs. This is an especially great focal length range for wildlife. Sports photography needs can cover this entire focal length range, having the ability to track a continuously properly framed athlete from a distant location to a close position. I use all of these focal lengths for landscape photography. Long focal lengths can make even a mediocre sunset look amazing. This lens will be extremely well represented at air shows across the world. I expect this lens to be the ideal safari and zoo lens choice for many. The list of uses for this focal length range is simply huge. Those using an ASP C1. FOVCF sensor format DSLR will see an angle of view similar to a full frame mounted 1. This shifted narrower angle of view range moves the 1. Here is an example of what this focal length range looks like on an APS C format DSLR. Some have asked if the 1. L IIs focal length is really 4. Geomedia Pro 6.1 Crack. This is a fair question because it seems that manufacturers sometimes take the liberty of rounding offup the specified focal length numbers in zoom lenses. In this case, the lens set to 4. Canons prime 4. 00mm lenses the 4. L II and 4. 00 f5. L frame the chart at 4. If I take the average of those two comparables, I get 4. Using that number, the 1. IIs max focal length seems more like 3. Especially with distortion potentially effecting this calculation, that number is close enough to 4. Canon has claimed to be within 5 of the specified focal length number, adding credance to the calculated figures possibility. Creating a zoom lens with long focal lengths generally means a compromise in max aperture opening and lens sizeweightcost. For example, look at the Canon EF 2. L IS USM Lens. While I consider f4 to be only a medium wide max aperture, this lens is on a different scale than the Canon EF 1. L IS II USM Lens in terms of size, weight and price. Capturing fast action in low light such as indoors or after the sun sets with an acceptably low ISO setting is a challenge for an f4. However, f4. 5 5. If the action is not moving fast or is motionless, this lens will be able to serve very well into the low light hours of the day especially with the help of IS. A very important point is that Id much rather carry this lens for long periods of time than the referenced 2. L. As indicated by the aperture specification range f4. As you zoom to a longer focal length, the max aperture available is reduced. While I love fixed max aperture lenses such as the just discussed 2. I also appreciate the more compactlighter design the variable max aperture allows. If I am carrying a longer than 2. I probably am carrying a variable max aperture zoom lens model. The 1. 00 4. 00 IIs specific max aperture step down focal lengths are shown in the chart below. Interesting and very positive is that the 1. L II holds a wider aperture deeper into the focal length range than any other lens shown here including the 1. L I. Also interesting is that Canon and Nikon have no zoom lenses longer than 4. Most of the third party lenses with focal lengths longer than 4. Many Canon and Nikon DSLR cameras require a minimum max aperture opening of f5. Image Stabilization. A lens designed to be relatively very small and light invites handholding and handholding of a telephoto lens is greatly aided by image stabilization. The Canon EF 1. 00 4. L IS II USM Lens is equipped with a best available at review time 4 stop rated image stabilizer system. The first Canon 1. IS had one of the earliest optical lens image stabilization implementations and was rated at only 2 stops of assistance, so the IIs IS system alone is a huge upgrade. Another IS upgrade is the addition of Mode 3 stabilization. Mode 1 is the standard IS mode and is designed for use with stationary subjects. Not only does IS help deliver a sharper image, but you will also find the Mode 1 stabilized viewfinder extremely helpful for obtaining ideal subject framing while handholding this lens. A stabilized image also aids in auto focus accuracy. Mode 2 IS is used for panning with a subject. In this mode, only 1 axis of stabilization is provided allowing a linearly moving subject to be tracked. Note that people tend to move up and down in addition to forward when running, making successful running people panning shots difficult. Put those people on wheels and you have a much more success likely scenario. Think bicycles, motorcycles, race cars, etc. Canons newest IS mode, previously provided only on super telephoto lenses, is the designed for tracking action Mode 3 IS. In Mode 3, image stabilization is active and ready for use the moment the shutter releases, but actual stabilization is not in effect until that precise time. The view seen through the viewfinder is not stabilized, and you are able to follow your erratically moving subjects without fighting against image stabilization designed to prevent you from doing the same. IS Mode 3 is designed to detect panning motion and, when detected, will only apply stabilization at right angles to the direction of the detected movement like IS Mode 2. Mode 3 IS debuted with the Canon 3. L IS II Lenses. I gave Mode 3 a significant amount of workout with those lenses and subsequently made Mode 3 my standard action photography IS mode setting. Off was my previous choice I usually need a faster than minimum hand holdable shutter speed to stop the action I am shooting. But, I did sometimes see benefits to using IS Mode 3 for action. I welcome this addition to a smaller telephoto lens. When the shutter release is half press, IS goes into action. Some clicking is heard when IS starts and again when it stops and in quiet environments, whirring is heard while IS is active on this lens. The IS sounds are not be loud enough to be a problem unless perhaps you are shooting in a dead silent environment, in which case your shutter release may cause much more of an issue.
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